“The sale of Twitter to Elon Musk would be a victory for disinformation and the people who peddle it. It’s a concern shared not only by users, but media watchdogs. The Tesla CEO’s open disdain for what he has called big tech censorship has prompted some LGBTQ+ users to consider leaving Twitter in fear that a Musk takeover would mean re-platforming accounts like the Babylon Bee or Charlie Kirk that were suspended for violating Twitter rules against hate speech. Musk has previously used his own Twitter account to misgender users and post content that was accused of being transphobic. Several LGBTQ+ Twitter users on Monday suggested they would be deactivating their accounts and leaving the platform that sold for $44 billion to tech billionaire Elon Musk. Musk purchased Twitter on Monday for $44 billion.Activists said they worry the site will become an unmoderated “free-for-all” under Musk, who has described himself as a “free speech absolutist.”.LGBTQ+ Twitter users on Monday said they were considering leaving the platform over concerns that its new owner Elon Musk would re-platform accounts suspended for violating Twitter rules against hate speech.