Two tree gay bar dallas

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Here is a snapshot, year by year, of the lifestyles stories - of the images and subjects and even advertisements - that the Dallas Voice has reported on, or which have been contained within the pages of the paper for 25 years. Still, there have been many constants over the years: Bars that have survived everything from the AIDS crisis to the smoking ban groups that have continued to perform (like the Turtle Creek Chorale) that contrast with those that haven’t (Theatre Gemini) local notables who have aged and grown with the city. When the newspaper was started, tentpoles of the culture that made up most of the advertising were 'the Three Bs: Bars, baths and bookstores.' You didn’t see ads for car dealerships, straight political candidates or Frito-Lay.įrom the names of the clubs to the people and groups that entertained us and the institutions that provided the support, comfort and social background for our lives, Dallas has been a lively and tranformative city.

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Dallas’ gay culture - and the cultural life of gay Dallas - has evolved over the years as much as the Dallas Voice itself.

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